Customizing Your Store

Banner & Card Images
Images are displayed in the Outlet should not contain any obscene or offensive imagery, as defined by the Content Policy.
Featured Items
Paste Retail Contract addresses here to have them appear in the Featured Items section at the top of your store's page.
Store Name
The name you'd like your store to be listed under. Store names should not contain any type of link or advertisement.
Email Address
An email address where you can be reached in case there are any questions or problems with your application or account. Email addresses are stored under secure encryption and are never shared with any third party.
The type of content your store is mainly focused on. Choose from books, periodicals, comics, audiobooks, podcasts, or other.
Indicate whether your store deals in explicit content.
Store Description
Store Descriptions are displayed in the Outlet. Descriptions should be brief and to the point, should not contain any words or phrases that violate the Content Policy, and should give potential customers some idea as to the types of items your store specializes in. Store descriptions may contain links to external websites.
Last updated